Tag "yoga"

Turn Up the Power in Downward Facing Dog

Perhaps the most iconic of all asana, downward facing dog is often the first pose people think of in association with yoga. It is common to move through downward facing

Confessions of a New Yoga Teacher

Being a yoga teacher is extremely rewarding, but not as easy as it may seem. Discover some confessions your yoga teacher has experienced along the way!

Laura Sykora: One Love Movement Podcast

An up close interview with Laura Sykora, a real life hero in our book!

Tools For Taking Yoga Off The Mat

What we practice on the four corners of the yoga mat can contribute to the way we live our lives from moment to moment.

Pioneering the Way to Healthy, Meaningful Living: The Yoga Expo

The Yoga Expo unique event serves as a platform to empower and educate Yoga communities across the nation, and beyond…

Why I Teach Yoga To Hip Hop

Yoga traditionally was not practiced in groups, nor with music. Music is inspiration. We believe it’s a natural fit for yoga, even hip hop!

Finding the Happy Path with Yoga

More you practice yoga, the more you learn it’s not about the poses, it’s the journey through them that awakens you from the inside out.

The Art of Self Care through Yoga

The practice of yoga restores trust in our felt experience of being alive and dispels fears that we must control our bodies and hide our natural rhythms….


As yogis, we know how powerful self-awareness is to our yoga journey andour life off the mat. As a mid-40s professional, I felt pretty self-aware and securein what I want

Can Yoga Really Help Someone with a Cancer Diagnosis??

Yoga and cancer are a hot topic of research. Is yoga a good exercise for cancer patients? Let’s find out from a group of cancer patients themsevles!