Tag "yoga"

Ecstatic Reunion: Tips to Remembering Connectedness & the Present Moment

Yoga practice is a useful tool to help us recognize our connectedness to each other, all living things and ourselves. It isn’t about changing anything or adding anything.

Yoga and the Brain

Yoga boasts many health benefits. What about yoga and the brain? Discover your brain when you do yoga.

Why People Are Preferring Yoga to Going to the Gym!

The beauty of yoga is that you can do it anywhere – in a local yoga class, on the beach, at home or in the garden.

Nurture Autumn (Vata Season) Gracefully

Vata season is here! Let’s take a look at the ayurvedic lifestyle approach to this beautiful time of year.

Stretching Toward Happiness: How I Approach My Career Like Yoga

I try to approach my career like yoga. I stretch and bend myself to test the limits of my ability…

Try this Parent/Child Partner Yoga Sequence to Strengthen the Ties that Bond

Whatever metaphor works best, finding time to really connect with your child can be a challenge…

A Dozen Ways Yoga Boosts Athletic Performance

There is a way of making demands on the body so that athletic performance is optimal but without pain and injury. And the path for doing that is through the ancient body science of yoga.

Creating a Yoga Space in Your Bedroom

Trying to find your Zen place doesn’t necessarily mean you need to trek across town to a yoga studio. It is possible to create a space in your bedroom to

Finding Peace and Spirituality at Ocean View Terrace

Practicing yoga surrounded by such stunning views of nature all within a cemetery, mirrors our journey of life, with the reminder that life is fleeting and the present moment is something to be savored.

Break the Rules: Reminder to Self

Becoming yourself is life’s work. If the same tried and true tactics are not working, allow yourself to open and unfold through the practice of yoga.