Posts From Lacey Pruett


As yogis, we know how powerful self-awareness is to our yoga journey andour life off the mat. As a mid-40s professional, I felt pretty self-aware and securein what I want

Get Om With It: An Intro to Reiki & the Chakras

As wellness seekers, most of us look for recommended resources to show us the way. If you’re a reader, like me, you’ll hunt book cover after book cover, looking for

Pratyhara – Defined in Real Life

I shared Pratyahara with my class today and reminded myself how nice it  feels to go inward for clarity. The world gets so noisy and then everything gets  congested -mainly

How to Beat Quarantine Fatigue

How many of you wake up, already feeling drained? There are two types of tired: a tired that can be cured with more sleep and a tired that can be

Time for a Texas Coastal Escape?

As a child, raised in Texas, became synonymous with summer. You packed into the minivan, with enough stuff for a week, and drove with your family for three hours, until

Wellness Advice during COVID-19

When we look back on this time, how do you want to feel about all of it? As Danielle LaPorte asks, in her book, The Desire Map, “How do you

No Excuses: 5 Ways to Make Healthy a Habit

Habits are hard to form. Like anything else, they take practice! Here are 5 ways to make your habits healthy habits!

Why Would They Do That To Me?

People meet you from where they are, not from where you are. Why would we expect anything else? Because we have a selfish side that really does expect people to

Learning to Breathe Again

A Beginner’s Look Into Yoga Teacher Training “For the times where even taking the next small step seems scary, just lean forward. Take the next small step. Focus on your

Can I Get a Connection?

I was in the ladies room stall, when I overheard someone criticize my work. At the time, I was a marketing consultant for a nutritional company, and I had just