Posts From Lacey Pruett

Flipping the Script

I had a moment this weekend, where I turned on the news. Each time I do  this, I regret it lately. Why are we fixed on the negative? When I

Limiting Beliefs

I remember thinking I couldn’t do any of it right. I didn’t belong, and I looked like a fool. I’m an over-achiever and that means I over-achieve with my self-criticism,

No Excuses: 5 Ways to Make Healthy a Habit

Habits are hard to form. Like anything else, they take practice! Here are 5 ways to make your habits healthy habits!

Wellness Advice during COVID-19

When we look back on this time, how do you want to feel about all of it? As Danielle LaPorte asks, in her book, The Desire Map, “How do you

Why Would They Do That To Me?

People meet you from where they are, not from where you are. Why would we expect anything else? Because we have a selfish side that really does expect people to

Wellness in the Wine Country

Tucked away in the historic Napa Valley, the town of Yountville and the luxurious hotel and spa, await your arrival. Part of what attracts a person to practice yoga is

All I Need is Less

I was just told that my yoga studios would be closed indefinitely. Both of the studios, where I teach classes, to finance my writing career, would close without any re-opening

Pose for Camera or Pose for Life

Lately, it seems like a moment of life revolves around the photo produced. It’s not a bad thing to want to capture fond memories and look back on them to

Holiday Portion Control

Do you know anyone who overdid the cucumber slices at a Christmas party? Has anyone ever called you feeling guilty for drinking too much water on Thanksgiving? Have you ever

Can I Get a Connection?

I was in the ladies room stall, when I overheard someone criticize my work. At the time, I was a marketing consultant for a nutritional company, and I had just