Wellness Advice during COVID-19
When we look back on this time, how do you want to feel about all of it? As Danielle
LaPorte asks, in her book, The Desire Map, “How do you want to feel? ” At the time, she was
coaching me through a transition that rearranged my entire life -much like the current global
pandemic affecting our collective current lives. A few days ago, I had a moment. The one
moment where you lose your shit? That moment. As you know, it comes out of nowhere, as
you’re moving along your list of to-dos and obligations, all while absorbing the latest news,
restrictions, and updates, so you can organize yourself and your day appropriately. Slowly, your
action items are taking a bit longer to complete -all of them -the report, the lesson plan, re-
applying lip gloss. They are all taking forever because your mind is running down four to six
separate rabbit trails, simultaneously. Oh, and this all just started.
I lost my marbles (in hopes of making it sound softer, but you know the truth) because I
went into reaction mode and threw all of my holistic tools out the window. I felt like my full-
time job was to react to the latest news about an invisible enemy who is getting stronger by the
minute. What does it mean for me, my family, my community, and my work? I felt it happening,
and thought I was managing fine. I kept my self-care routine up, as best I could, despite new
advisements to stay-at-home. That advice turned into executive orders, but still, I found
creative ways to get my daily needs met. So why the loss of my marbles? Because, I let the
water in the boat, as the saying goes.
“A rising tide lifts all boats ” as long as there’s not a hole in your boat. It’s been about a week
of closely following the news, and just as quickly as I brought the daily news back into my
home, I felt the flood of anxiety and sadness wave back in as well. With every message, mostly
opinionated mixed with a few facts, my cells were listening. Our cells, that make up our body,
are always listening. It’s up to us to give them the right messages. Leaving the news on, as I
worked from home, encouraged my body absorb the world’s opinions on how to navigate this
health crisis. If you’ve followed my journey for any period of time, you know that following the
“world’s opinion ” doesn’t work for my life. I, normally fix my eyes and ears to a higher power
filled with spiritual guidance and intuition. I let a flood of fear in, and thus the marbles went.
Where my focus goes, my well-being goes. It was no surprise, looking back, why my human
condition succumbed to the negative, and I started feeling the sinking spell. I did take back
control immediately, and decided I would navigate this different moving forward. I referenced
my book, because I felt old patterns float back up to the surface, and I
knew, intuitively, that I have the answers I need. I affirmed that taking some of the same steps
would allow me to handle the next day better than my last, so I made a list (of course) and
taped it to the inside of my agenda book for daily reference. I’m sharing my Holistic CODE RED
below in case you need some support filtering through your feelings and emotions. You’re not
alone. As a human race, we all feel it, and though the details may be different for each of us,
the feeling and emotional responses look similar.
Holistic CODE RED:
1. Quiet – to hear your intuition
2. Peace – get to a calm environment
3. Mantras – channel in the good
4. Breathwork – deepen your inhales and exhales; slow your breath a bit.
My code red steps have a 100% effectiveness rate, and I suggest you grab a code of your
own, and get stubborn about it. These times require that you put your oxygen mask on first,
then once yours and your immediate family’s basic needs are met, you see how you can assist
others. Part of my reset from losing my mind to finding it again and functioning well through
this is reminding myself what I still have control over. Despite restrictions, you still do have the
power. It just takes some more creativity these days. Take a look at the tips and ideas I share
below, and note your favorites. Let’s encourage each other through this unique challenge, and
feel good about how we react and feel, at least most of the time. Nobody is perfect, but
aligning with your intuition and checking in with yourself (come back to your breath -it’s the
easiest way!) assures you’re doing your best to keep your boat afloat and retaining all of your
marbles. This is what the world needs more of, right now. So, step into your power and create
your new action plan!
1. Have set times to watch the news for updates. You need to stay informed and aware of
the latest. Stick to a trusted news source, with minimal commentary. Again, you don’t
need to know what he or she feels about the situation. You just need the facts so you
can plan for you and your household. Outside of those times, have calmer, softer music
playing in the background. If you’re working outside of the home, be selfish and put
your headsets in. If music isn’t your thing, find an uplifting podcast. Be picky -your cells
are listening!
2. Be Creative. Your routine just shattered without notice, and you’re picking up the
pieces. Leave some there. Use this time to let go of activities and focuses that aren’t
priority right now. What new activities and focuses can you transition to during this time
of uncertainty? I decided to drop three focuses, and made room in the day for craft
time, Zoom yoga with my nieces and nephews, and dreaming dates with my husband
(we research our next dream trips we will take once the world opens back up.)
3. Connect Well. Who are your favorite people? Find ways to connect with them online.
My favorites are Zoom video calls, FaceTime, What’s App and Voxter (both in app store.)
If wi-fi is an issue, where you are, I know a good old fashioned phone call still works.
Aside from this, grab a bundle of blank cards or nice paper and send some snail mail or a
kind email. Instant smile!
4. Enrich Yourself. As an author, I’ve enjoyed the extra reading time. If I had children in my
home, I would start family reading hours. Have everyone choose a new book (download
an e-book if preferred) and learn something new or go on a new adventure, then share
about it over dinner time. No kids? Reach out to a small group of friends or connections
and start your version of a book club. Select a book, and connect regularly with an
online communication tool to discuss.
5. Be Active. Move your body. You have so many resources online for this. I have a channel
on YouTube and all of my fitness mentors are on YouTube as well. Not sure what you
need? Let’s chat and I’ll share some of my favorites with you. By moving your body,
you’re exerting excessive energy (possibly anxiety), getting your blood and oxygen moving, maintaining health body systems. Now is a great time to try something new, so be creative and bold with it, and definitely make it fun. You may find a new passion!
Once you’ve figured out a plan that works for you and your household, who can you help
during this time? We all handle stress differently and need different solutions. In tough times, I
look to the helpers and I look for opportunities to be one. Helping one another is an instant way
to lift out of despair or fear. Acknowledge what you can give, and who may need you during
this time. Use the tips above to share love and hope with someone who needs you. Maintain
your personal boundaries, and share kindness, as both will ensure you feel your best through
this season. You’ll look back and smile at your time well spent (and maybe hold onto your