Tag "yoga"

How Much Yoga Is Enough?

Most yoga classes are an hour and a half. Some are an hour and fifteen. You can take a lunch time class for an hour. I remember a studio I

Nurturing Sleep – 13 Ayurvedic Remedies for A Restful Night

Sleep is something we all love but can’t seem to get enough of. Luckily, there are certain remedies for sleep. Find out what they are!

Thoughts…by 4 Yoga Moms

These yoga moms dish out some tips and advice on motherhood and self care!

Yoga With Dad

A heart-warming tale of a dad and his daughter! Read this inspiring story by Featured Writer, yoga studio owner and father, Ryan Glidden.

How to Stop Competing in Your Yoga Practice

Yoga is about working on the inside and being where we are, at that moment.

The “Right” Yoga

Yoga is NOT one thing, but everyone has their intention for doing yoga…

Get Hip This New Year: A Guide To Reducing Stress Through Hip Opening

The most wonderful time of the year can also be the most stressful time of the year between holiday shopping, events, family tensions and end of the year deadlines at

Yogis are Clowns (in the Best of Ways)

Yep, I said it. Yogis are clowns. With our pink and yellow leggings and fervent attempts to do something awesome without falling down, it might be time to admit our

5 Signs You’re Faking Yoga

We all engage in unhealthy, ego-driven habits from time to time, but the first step towards change is awareness. Make your yoga mat a sacred place…

Upgrade Your Metabolism with Kundalini Yoga

The term “metabolism” is a high buzzword these days. Especially in the spaces concerned with health, wellness and vitality. Kundalini Yoga…