Tag "meditation"

The Power of Pause

Discovering that state of mind that exists in between, as I sometimes refer to metaphorically as the yellow light, can be a powerful and enlightening moment. Our society values being

A Year in Hot Yoga

Looking for a gift for the special yogi in your life? Or looking to grow your own awareness? This daily meditation guide will help keep you grounded and growing at the same time.

Anxiety, Depression…and Yoga?

Yoga has many benefits, but can it help with anxiety and depression? Click here to learn how the 3 come together.

A Dozen Ways Meditation Can Benefit You Right Now

Whatever the question, meditation is the answer!

Meditation with Julie: Sankalpa

Enjoy this short meditation on resolving to support your highest truth.

Yoga Nidra Podcast

Give your mind a break from its constant internal dialogue, jumping from one thought to the next. Quiet the restless mind, reduce stress and experience improved sleep. Feel empowered to make your dreams and aspirations a reality.

Belief: The “I’s” Have It

Belief comes from within. It’s takes a certain perspective see find your beliefs and how your belief system impacts your life…

The Key to Wellness Can Be Found in Ancient Mythology

Coming to your breath to handle stress is not a new concept. In fact ancient stories depict many of the same practices we have available to us today when dealing with negative emotions.

10 Ways to Celebrate National Meditation Month

May has been designated National Meditation Month. If you’ve been wanting to meditate or if you’ve had a desire to do more meditation, this is the month to start. Here

Yoga and Meditation – The Fountain of Youth?

Feel younger…just by breathing? Science meets philosophy in this article on how yoga keep you young!