Tag "meditation"

Yoga Bhavadhara Part One…Making the Case for a New Form of Yoga

T. Krishnamacharya, the grandfather of Modern Postural Yoga, made the following intriguing statements in his book Yoga Makaranda in 1935, “It is not true that those people [Westerners] are not

5- Minute Metta (Lovingkindness) Meditation for Beginners

Metta means positivity, love, and kindness and practicing this type of meditation is easy and great for beginners. Metta meditation can be a very powerful healing tool; creating good feelings

The 5 Rules to Be More Present

Being present has many health benefits. Click here to discover the 5 ways to be more present in your busy life.

5 Reasons to Take Some Rest In Child’s Pose

Childs pose is a great resting pose to center yourself during your practice. Click here to learn all the benefits!

The Value of Silence

Let’s face, it can hurt to bite your tongue. But that may be just the discomfort we need to experience to move beyond our obstacles in relationships and life. Halt before you holler and watch your bliss rise with these tips from Jennie Lee.

Discover Your Love Gap

Almost every day, life delivers some measure of discomfort or pain. We feel scared in our jobs. We get hurt in our relationships. We lose a desired opportunity. We become

Stress, Struggle & Strawberries: Inquire Within

  Eat the strawberry. That’s the thought that sticks out in my mind about that moment. And how tender it was, when just a couple hours before I was a

Fall Reboot: 4 tips to stay grounded during this season of transition

Transitions, whether it be from season to season or just lazy summer days to the craziness of school, can bring challenges.

We tend to feel scattered, ungrounded, and just ‘off.’ Our daily routine, and to a deeper extent, our goals, can be clouded by the anxiety that accompanies transitions and we can easily lose track of what’s important to us. Here are 4 tips for a Fall Reboot –

7 Easy Ways to Calm Your Mind

The world is a stressful place. If you don’t know how to manage your stress, you’ll end up absorbing all the negative energy in your surroundings. Here are 7 ways to keep calm and carry on.

3 Reasons to Start A Meditation Practice Today

Meditation has many benefits. If you haven’t tried, maybe these 3 reasons will entice you!