Tag "meditation"

11 Tips to Start with Mindfulness Meditation Practice

By learning to practice mindfulness meditation, and being more aware of the moment to moment happenings of life, we can be more present within our own life and less on the emotional and irrational responses prevalent today.

3 Easy Meditation Hacks To Keep You Sane This Season

Many think they simply do not have time to meditate. If this sounds like you, then make meditation a priority this season!

7 Easy Ways to Calm Your Mind

The world is a stressful place. If you don’t know how to manage your stress, you’ll end up absorbing all the negative energy in your surroundings. Here are 7 ways to keep calm and carry on.

We Are Not Our Thoughts

Thoughts arise and we grab hold of them. We generate other thoughts in response to that one, perhaps embellishing our thought in pursuit of something we desire, or perhaps changing

Spring Cleaning: 6 Ways to Clear Out the Clutter

It feels so good to get rid of stuff you no longer need – to and overstuffed drawers, to dump moldy food sitting in the back of the fridge, or

The Power of Pause

Discovering that state of mind that exists in between, as I sometimes refer to metaphorically as the yellow light, can be a powerful and enlightening moment. Our society values being

Meditation with Julie: Committing to your Purpose

Do you sometimes need a bit of help in being clear about your wishes and goals? This short meditation can be used as a daily commitment to remain focused on

Discover Your Love Gap

Almost every day, life delivers some measure of discomfort or pain. We feel scared in our jobs. We get hurt in our relationships. We lose a desired opportunity. We become

5 Yoga Revelations from the Heart of India

Yoga is an ever-expanding journey. No matter if you are new to yoga or have practiced for decades, there is always something to understand and embody at a deeper level. Open yourself up with travel and exploration!


The holidays are the busiest time of the year and when you’re working, have kids, school run and other responsibilities you may find yourself neglecting to take care of yourself.