Tag "meditation"
Meditation with Julie: Travel De-stress
While seeing far away places can be exciting, getting there can sometimes be a huge stress. Long security line? Weather delay? Mechanical? Try this meditation before your next flight to stay calm and relaxed for your next trip!
Julie Murphy HEALTH, INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLE, YOGASet your intentions with Kundalini Yoga
As we are flowing into the second month of 2019, we’re excited to be feeling into the energy of this new year. A new 12-month journey, and the energy is
Elevate the Globe HEALTH, LIFESTYLE, YOGAA Dozen Ways Meditation Can Benefit You Right Now
Whatever the question, meditation is the answer!
Victor Parachin YOGATraining the Monkey Mind
The mind is a terrible thing to waste, but half the time we don’t even realize we are doing it. Like a puppy learning new tricks, we too must train the mind one step at time and with patience.
Lama Tsomo INSPIRATIONStress, Struggle & Strawberries: Inquire Within
Eat the strawberry. That’s the thought that sticks out in my mind about that moment. And how tender it was, when just a couple hours before I was a
Megan Kearney HEALTH, LIFESTYLE, YOGAClear Mind Full
Are we supposed to clear the mind? Or fill the mind with mindfulness? Tricky questions. Great perspective on mind control and presence…
Ryan Glidden HEALTH, LIFESTYLE, YOGA10 Step Yoga Nidra: Curing the Sleep Crisis
When you think of a crisis, getting enough sleep is probably not the first issue that comes to mind. According to Reader’s Digest, sleep deprivation now rivals obesity and smoking
Jenn Bodnar HEALTH, LIFESTYLE, YOGA3 Mudras for Mood Enhancing
Mudras are powerful exercises stretching your hands and fingers. You use the power of your hands to press different reflexology points on your hands to send healing and release to different organs and the brain in your body.
Shawna Schenk HEALTH, LIFESTYLEMeditation with Julie: Sankalpa
Enjoy this short meditation on resolving to support your highest truth.
Julie Murphy HEALTH, INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLE, YOGASpring Cleaning: 6 Ways to Clear Out the Clutter
It feels so good to get rid of stuff you no longer need – to and overstuffed drawers, to dump moldy food sitting in the back of the fridge, or