Tag "meditation"

Spring Cleaning: 6 Ways to Clear Out the Clutter

It feels so good to get rid of stuff you no longer need – to and overstuffed drawers, to dump moldy food sitting in the back of the fridge, or

5- Minute Metta (Lovingkindness) Meditation for Beginners

Metta means positivity, love, and kindness and practicing this type of meditation is easy and great for beginners. Metta meditation can be a very powerful healing tool; creating good feelings

Stress, Struggle & Strawberries: Inquire Within

  Eat the strawberry. That’s the thought that sticks out in my mind about that moment. And how tender it was, when just a couple hours before I was a

Meditation with Julie: Sankalpa

Enjoy this short meditation on resolving to support your highest truth.

Discover Your Love Gap

Almost every day, life delivers some measure of discomfort or pain. We feel scared in our jobs. We get hurt in our relationships. We lose a desired opportunity. We become

10 Ways to Celebrate National Meditation Month

May has been designated National Meditation Month. If you’ve been wanting to meditate or if you’ve had a desire to do more meditation, this is the month to start. Here

3 Reasons to Start A Meditation Practice Today

Meditation has many benefits. If you haven’t tried, maybe these 3 reasons will entice you!

A Year in Hot Yoga

Looking for a gift for the special yogi in your life? Or looking to grow your own awareness? This daily meditation guide will help keep you grounded and growing at the same time.

Yoga Nidra Podcast

Give your mind a break from its constant internal dialogue, jumping from one thought to the next. Quiet the restless mind, reduce stress and experience improved sleep. Feel empowered to make your dreams and aspirations a reality.

Meditation with Julie: Travel De-stress

While seeing far away places can be exciting, getting there can sometimes be a huge stress. Long security line? Weather delay? Mechanical? Try this meditation before your next flight to stay calm and relaxed for your next trip!