“The environment is where we all meet; where all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share. ” –Lady Bird Johnson
With Earth Day upon us, in the midst of global pandemic no less, what an amazing opportunity we have keep the momentum of environmental preservation strong. Long after we are back in our cars, back in airplanes and all the hustle and bustle that was once considered the norm, wouldn’t it be amazing if the smog was still clear in Los Angeles, the dolphins still swimming in the canals of Venice and people were still taking long walks each day, enjoying nature?
We have always supported small businesses and conscious brands with strong intentions for personal health and compassion for our world. Here are just a few things we love this month that will help you stay healthy and keep moving while at home. If you have not tried a live stream yoga class, now is the time!
It’s not what happens to us, so much as how we choose to respond. Take action for your wellness and the quality of our home, Mother Earth!