Tag "happiness"

BREATHE BIGGER: Wisdom from my parents

Do you ever have those moments as an adult where you don’t want to admit it, but your parents really did know what they were talking about when you were growing up? I remember resisting my parents like crazy….

Recycle Your Life Into Happiness On A Budget

Happiness isn’t something you get, it’s something you already have that just needs to be discovered. Here are some simple and cheap ways to unlock happiness within…

5 Life Lessons Kundalini Yoga has Taught Me:

Kundalini Yoga is the yoga of awareness. Though it appears quite dogmatic, extreme and overly spiritual with people in white chanting, wearing turbans, and moving in auspicious ways, it is

9 Essential Yoga Poses for Desk Workers

Just because you work in an office doesn’t mean you can’t get up and move your body! Here are 9 simple yoga poses that can be done at your desk!

Finding the Happy Path with Yoga

More you practice yoga, the more you learn it’s not about the poses, it’s the journey through them that awakens you from the inside out.

Thoughts…by 4 Yoga Moms

These yoga moms dish out some tips and advice on motherhood and self care!

3 Daily Practices For a Positive Life

3 Simple tips to help you slow down and be in the moment!

5 Mantras for Happiness in the New Year!

I absolutely love this time of year.   The decorations, the lights, the hustle and bustle, the long lines, the crowded stores, time with family, time with friends, baking, cooking

3 Ways to Move Forward Peacefully with Change

Our souls are born to expand and grow. It is our purpose in life to try new things, meet new people, have many relationships, and endlessly explore life as the fun journey it is meant to be. Nothing in nature stays the same, and we as humans constantly shift as well.

Creating a Life that Matters

Are you doing what matters most to you? Does your work give your life meaning? I’m not asking whether you are happy, but whether your life has meaning. A study