Tag "happiness"

Energy Boost From the Inside Out

Cultivating your inner spark – your true beauty – requires self-nurture, stress management, and keeping your energy levels replenished….

Recycle Your Life Into Happiness On A Budget

Happiness isn’t something you get, it’s something you already have that just needs to be discovered. Here are some simple and cheap ways to unlock happiness within…

9 Essential Yoga Poses for Desk Workers

Just because you work in an office doesn’t mean you can’t get up and move your body! Here are 9 simple yoga poses that can be done at your desk!

Stretching Toward Happiness: How I Approach My Career Like Yoga

I try to approach my career like yoga. I stretch and bend myself to test the limits of my ability…

4 Reasons To Stop Caring What Others Think

Life is too short to care what others think. Here are 4 reasons to help motivate you to ALWAYS be yourself!

Hello Monday!

Monday’s got a bad rap in our society. What if we could change that? Here is some inspiration power through every Monday…

3 Ways to Move Forward Peacefully with Change

Our souls are born to expand and grow. It is our purpose in life to try new things, meet new people, have many relationships, and endlessly explore life as the fun journey it is meant to be. Nothing in nature stays the same, and we as humans constantly shift as well.

3 Daily Practices For a Positive Life

3 Simple tips to help you slow down and be in the moment!

The Accidental Yogi (and How I Turned into a Purposeful Yoga Practioner)

It’s never too late! Learn how this accidental yogi found her path somewhat later in life and now shares it with the world one person at a time.

5 Yoga Revelations from the Heart of India

Yoga is an ever-expanding journey. No matter if you are new to yoga or have practiced for decades, there is always something to understand and embody at a deeper level. Open yourself up with travel and exploration!