Tag "stress relief"

Stress, Struggle & Strawberries: Inquire Within

  Eat the strawberry. That’s the thought that sticks out in my mind about that moment. And how tender it was, when just a couple hours before I was a

Manufactured Stress And the Power of Choice

Stress, fear and the power of choice. You cannot control what happens to you, only your reaction.

3 Mudras for Mood Enhancing

Mudras are powerful exercises stretching your hands and fingers. You use the power of your hands to press different reflexology points on your hands to send healing and release to different organs and the brain in your body.

Ear Candling 101

Ear candling is quite relaxing and a lovely technique that unwinds you any time you’re in need of a little R & R.

The Key to Wellness Can Be Found in Ancient Mythology

Coming to your breath to handle stress is not a new concept. In fact ancient stories depict many of the same practices we have available to us today when dealing with negative emotions.

7 Easy Ways to Calm Your Mind

The world is a stressful place. If you don’t know how to manage your stress, you’ll end up absorbing all the negative energy in your surroundings. Here are 7 ways to keep calm and carry on.

Letting Go

The mind, body and spirit are all connected, and when we open up on any level, this feeling of release can transfer to other parts of our being

5 Steps To More Zen, Less Stress

Despite living in a world which is more digitally connected and convenient than ever before, many of us are feeling more disconnected, broken and stressed. Statistics prove stress is killing

Humility in Practice

In the end, it is humility that leads to inner peace and happiness, not pride, and it is also one of the many qualities that an asana practice can help us to cultivate…

Why Yin Yoga Is a Must for Type A Yogis

While power and hot yoga classes are receiving a lot of attention right now, there is a softer side of yoga that provides just as many benefits when it comes to mental strength and stress relief. Take a look at yin yoga and learn why it might be the best thing you do for yourself!