Tag "meditation"

The 5 Rules to Be More Present

Being present has many health benefits. Click here to discover the 5 ways to be more present in your busy life.

7 Easy Ways to Calm Your Mind

The world is a stressful place. If you don’t know how to manage your stress, you’ll end up absorbing all the negative energy in your surroundings. Here are 7 ways to keep calm and carry on.

Yoga and Meditation – The Fountain of Youth?

Feel younger…just by breathing? Science meets philosophy in this article on how yoga keep you young!


The holidays are the busiest time of the year and when you’re working, have kids, school run and other responsibilities you may find yourself neglecting to take care of yourself.

5 Life Lessons Kundalini Yoga has Taught Me:

Kundalini Yoga is the yoga of awareness. Though it appears quite dogmatic, extreme and overly spiritual with people in white chanting, wearing turbans, and moving in auspicious ways, it is

Yoga Bhavadhara Part One…Making the Case for a New Form of Yoga

T. Krishnamacharya, the grandfather of Modern Postural Yoga, made the following intriguing statements in his book Yoga Makaranda in 1935, “It is not true that those people [Westerners] are not