10 Ways to Celebrate National Meditation Month
Meditation is a great gift to give yourself. It is a way to experience a higher quality of life just by going inside yourself and touching your center for a moment. It is a brief retreat from the world that lets you reenter the world with a more vivid presence.
– Lorin Roche
May is designated National Meditation Month and is an ideal time to either begin a meditation practice or re-energize an existing one. Here are ten ways to do that and celebrate National Mediation Month.
1. Do it with a group. Worldwide, Buddhist monks spend most of their time in group meditation. The reason for that is simple: it’s the easiest way to do meditation. The energy of several people sitting together is motivating and makes it possible to sit longer. Most group meditation sessions are at least one hour.
2. Do it with a friend. This way you both support and encourage each other to deepen the practice.
3. Do it alone. Tap your inner Buddha and find a quiet place to sit. Do it several times a week. Daily if possible.
4. Do it with a teacher. One of the best ways to begin mediation or deepen a practice is to take some private instruction from a meditation teacher.
5. Do it outside. Be like the ancient yogis who did a lot of their meditation outside. Nature nurtures the spirit and stimulates the senses. There are flowers to see, grasses to smell, birds to hear. All of those can create a sense of peace, awe and unity with the planet.
6. Do it with children. Use the month of May to introduce meditation to your children, nieces and nephews, grandchildren, etc. Children are naturals for this practice when given user friendly instructions. In doing this you will provide them with a powerful tool they can tap into in the years ahead.
7. Do it at work. Instead of taking that coffee break and adding caffeine to work stress, use the break time to meditate in your office or cubicle. Consider also sitting quietly over lunch.
8. Do it with a student. Offer to teach someone to mediate in May. Find someone interested and make the suggestion. Many people want to learn meditation but don’t know how to get started. Open that door for them.
9. Do it at a temple. I often meditate at a Hindu Temple in my city. It’s open every morning and every evening for several hours. Visitors are always welcome to come inside and simply sit.
10. Just do it! Keep it short or keep it long or somewhere in between. Just do it! Remember than a few minutes of meditation is better than no meditation at all. Nancy Colier, an inter-faith minister offers this motivating insight: “Meditation can change your life and your very sense of who you are. There is a reason it has been around for thousands of years and practiced by people from all walks of life and on all parts of the globe. “