Tag "meditation"

5 Steps To More Zen, Less Stress

Despite living in a world which is more digitally connected and convenient than ever before, many of us are feeling more disconnected, broken and stressed. Statistics prove stress is killing


As yogis, we know how powerful self-awareness is to our yoga journey andour life off the mat. As a mid-40s professional, I felt pretty self-aware and securein what I want

Meditation with Julie: Sankalpa

Enjoy this short meditation on resolving to support your highest truth.

Set your intentions with Kundalini Yoga

As we are flowing into the second month of 2019, we’re excited to be feeling into the energy of this new year. A new 12-month journey, and the energy is

Anxiety, Depression…and Yoga?

Yoga has many benefits, but can it help with anxiety and depression? Click here to learn how the 3 come together.

Yoga Bhavadhara Part One…Making the Case for a New Form of Yoga

T. Krishnamacharya, the grandfather of Modern Postural Yoga, made the following intriguing statements in his book Yoga Makaranda in 1935, “It is not true that those people [Westerners] are not

Yoga Nidra Podcast

Give your mind a break from its constant internal dialogue, jumping from one thought to the next. Quiet the restless mind, reduce stress and experience improved sleep. Feel empowered to make your dreams and aspirations a reality.

5 Life Lessons Kundalini Yoga has Taught Me:

Kundalini Yoga is the yoga of awareness. Though it appears quite dogmatic, extreme and overly spiritual with people in white chanting, wearing turbans, and moving in auspicious ways, it is

10 Step Yoga Nidra: Curing the Sleep Crisis

When you think of a crisis, getting enough sleep is probably not the first issue that comes to mind. According to Reader’s Digest, sleep deprivation now rivals obesity and smoking

The Value of Silence

Let’s face, it can hurt to bite your tongue. But that may be just the discomfort we need to experience to move beyond our obstacles in relationships and life. Halt before you holler and watch your bliss rise with these tips from Jennie Lee.