Tag "meditation"

3 Easy Meditation Hacks To Keep You Sane This Season

Many think they simply do not have time to meditate. If this sounds like you, then make meditation a priority this season!

Meditation with Julie: Sankalpa

Enjoy this short meditation on resolving to support your highest truth.

Meditation with Julie: Travel De-stress

While seeing far away places can be exciting, getting there can sometimes be a huge stress. Long security line? Weather delay? Mechanical? Try this meditation before your next flight to stay calm and relaxed for your next trip!

Gentle Ways To End Meditation

Whether a time of meditation is several days or several hours or several minutes, returning to the outside world can be disturbing, annoying and even overwhelming. Some people, especially after

Unleash Your Inner Zen: 7 Ways to Begin a Meditation Practice

Decades of scientific, medical and social research reveals that meditation has quantitative, qualitative benefits to anyone who takes up the practice – everything from lowering blood pressure, combating stress, overcoming

3 Mudras for Mood Enhancing

Mudras are powerful exercises stretching your hands and fingers. You use the power of your hands to press different reflexology points on your hands to send healing and release to different organs and the brain in your body.

3 Reasons to Start A Meditation Practice Today

Meditation has many benefits. If you haven’t tried, maybe these 3 reasons will entice you!

Meditation with Julie: Committing to your Purpose

Do you sometimes need a bit of help in being clear about your wishes and goals? This short meditation can be used as a daily commitment to remain focused on

Yoga Nidra Podcast

Give your mind a break from its constant internal dialogue, jumping from one thought to the next. Quiet the restless mind, reduce stress and experience improved sleep. Feel empowered to make your dreams and aspirations a reality.

The 5 Rules to Be More Present

Being present has many health benefits. Click here to discover the 5 ways to be more present in your busy life.