Tag "beginner yoga"

How Much Yoga Is Enough?

Most yoga classes are an hour and a half. Some are an hour and fifteen. You can take a lunch time class for an hour. I remember a studio I

The “Right” Yoga

Yoga is NOT one thing, but everyone has their intention for doing yoga…

Why Yoga and Prenatal Massage Should Go Hand in Hand During Pregnancy

Being pregnant is one of the most incredible experiences of a woman’s life. It’s a time of emotional highs and lows. You are creating a new life, and no matter

5 Poses to Increase Flexibility

As we age, we lose water in our tissues and intervertebral discs, our muscles and tendons lose elasticity,  and we start to experience the all too familiar feeling of “stiffness

Breathe Into Your Hips

The more you practice linking breath and conscious, specific relaxation points in the body, the more you increase your overall body awareness. Give it time…. all is coming!

Turn Up the Power in Downward Facing Dog

Perhaps the most iconic of all asana, downward facing dog is often the first pose people think of in association with yoga. It is common to move through downward facing

Why Headstands Don’t Matter

As someone who struggles with getting upside down, I’ve heard a lot of conflicting advice from yoga teachers and students alike: Inversions don’t really matter. Inversions are essential in boosting

Practice At Home With Seane Corn, From Yoga At Home: Inspiration For Creating Your Own Home Practice

A dedicated home practice is an integral component of the study of yoga. It allows yogis of all levels to roll out their mats at any time…

5 Reasons to Take Some Rest In Child’s Pose

Childs pose is a great resting pose to center yourself during your practice. Click here to learn all the benefits!

The Synchronization of Breath & Movement: Cat/Cow

Cat/Cow It is very common to begin a yoga practice,  after the initial establishment of breath, by moving through cat and cow pose. With a nice stable base in table