Tag "beginner yoga"
Practice At Home With Seane Corn, From Yoga At Home: Inspiration For Creating Your Own Home Practice
A dedicated home practice is an integral component of the study of yoga. It allows yogis of all levels to roll out their mats at any time…
Yoga Digest YOGAKnow your Ashtanga from your Vinyasa: A Beginner’s Guide to Yoga
How do you know which type of yoga is the type for you? Enjoy this simple explanation of some of the different kinds of yoga and which might be best for you!
Dakota Murphey YOGA5 Reasons to Take Some Rest In Child�s Pose
Childs pose is a great resting pose to center yourself during your practice. Click here to learn all the benefits!
Yoga Digest YOGA10 Ways Yoga Straps Can Deepen Your Practice
Props are for students who can’t do the “full poseâ€, right? Wrong! Rather than being training wheels for beginners to rely on, yoga props can deepen our practice in unexpected ways.
Rachel Land Latest Articles, YOGAIs There Competition In Yoga?
Yoga is about doing your best with your body. But, is there competition in yoga? Let’s break it down and you be the judge!
Daniel Scott YOGAShine Some Light on Reverse Warrior Pose!
Reverse Warrior Pose is an intense stretch along the side body. Click here to learn how to do it properly and the amazing benefits!
Yoga Digest YOGAHumility in Practice
In the end, it is humility that leads to inner peace and happiness, not pride, and it is also one of the many qualities that an asana practice can help us to cultivate…
Wai Lana SPONSORED, YOGAThe Basics of Sun Salutation A and Sun Salutation B
There are many ways to vary your sun salutations when you teach vinyasa yoga. What are the basics? Here are some simple postures to follow for sun salutation variations. Sun
Anga Biel YOGAThe Synchronization of Breath & Movement: Cat/Cow
Cat/Cow It is very common to begin a yoga practice, after the initial establishment of breath, by moving through cat and cow pose. With a nice stable base in table
Anika Devore YOGAWhy Yoga and Prenatal Massage Should Go Hand in Hand During Pregnancy
Being pregnant is one of the most incredible experiences of a woman’s life. It’s a time of emotional highs and lows. You are creating a new life, and no matter