Tag "beginner yoga"
Is There Competition In Yoga?
Yoga is about doing your best with your body. But, is there competition in yoga? Let’s break it down and you be the judge!
Daniel Scott YOGAYoga In The Front Row
…. that moment that I have to face the truth…MY spot on the back row just left of center has been taken! And to make it worse, the only spots still open are in the front row.
Amy Glass West COMMUNITY, INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLE, YOGA5 Poses to Increase Flexibility
As we age, we lose water in our tissues and intervertebral discs, our muscles and tendons lose elasticity, and we start to experience the all too familiar feeling of “stiffness
Yoga Renew YOGAHow to Stop Competing in Your Yoga Practice
Yoga is about working on the inside and being where we are, at that moment.
Meera Watts YOGASupermoon Salutations
Yoga Digest gets creative with a supermoon sequence of supermoon salutations. Click here to celebrate the supermoon – yoga style!
Jenn Bodnar YOGAThe Accidental Yogi (and How I Turned into a Purposeful Yoga Practioner)
It’s never too late! Learn how this accidental yogi found her path somewhat later in life and now shares it with the world one person at a time.
Michele Hart Corley INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLE, YOGABreathe Into Your Hips
The more you practice linking breath and conscious, specific relaxation points in the body, the more you increase your overall body awareness. Give it time…. all is coming!
Laura McCorry YOGAThe “Right” Yoga
Yoga is NOT one thing, but everyone has their intention for doing yoga…
Jennifer Dodrill YOGA4 Ways Yoga and Meditation Can Help Athletes with Injury and Pain
Athletes get hurt from time to time -that’s just one of the risks of any sport. Injuries can sideline anyone from a promising young prospect to a seasoned pro,
Kali Bliss HEALTH, LIFESTYLE, YOGAGet Hip This New Year: A Guide To Reducing Stress Through Hip Opening
The most wonderful time of the year can also be the most stressful time of the year between holiday shopping, events, family tensions and end of the year deadlines at