Tag "yoga teacher"

Inside Teaching for Equity: Paul Menard

“I am honored to provide a series of classes for the LGBTQIA+ community. This series allows us to open our bodies while exploring that we are all divine.”   Paul

The Accidental Yogi (and How I Turned into a Purposeful Yoga Practioner)

It’s never too late! Learn how this accidental yogi found her path somewhat later in life and now shares it with the world one person at a time.

5 Reasons a Teaching Vacation May be for You!

Love to vacation? Love teaching classes? How about both? There is an amazing way to and still get to do what you love most:  teach, and all for a fraction

5 Yoga Revelations from the Heart of India

Yoga is an ever-expanding journey. No matter if you are new to yoga or have practiced for decades, there is always something to understand and embody at a deeper level. Open yourself up with travel and exploration!

5 Ways to Stay Inspired in Yoga

I teach a lot of yoga.   About 300 classes a year for the past seven years.   Teaching that much you experience ebbs and flows.   Sometimes you feel


As yogis, we know how powerful self-awareness is to our yoga journey andour life off the mat. As a mid-40s professional, I felt pretty self-aware and securein what I want

Ready To Teach – 60 Minute Vinyasa Class – Focus: Twisting

Yoga sequencing can be the most time-intensive and challenging part of our job as yoga teachers. We are responsible for ensuring that a vinyasa class is anatomically sound and safe.

Owning It: Yoga Digest Podcast w/ Kerri Verna, a.k.a. @beachyogagirl

In this episode of the Yoga Digest Podcast you will learn how she found yoga, what inspires her and how she handles “mean girls.”

Breathe Into Your Hips

The more you practice linking breath and conscious, specific relaxation points in the body, the more you increase your overall body awareness. Give it time…. all is coming!

Ready to Teach – 60 Minute Vinyasa Class – Focus: Balancing Half Moon

You know those days when you are getting ready to plan your next class and you need a little inspiration? Class sequencing takes time and energy. It is so important