The Power of Theming in a Yoga Class
I have to say that I completely agree with Sara Avant Stover of Yoga Journal when she stated, “Using themes can turn your yoga classes from mundane to memorable. ” And when you can use themes in a way that creates an emotional experience, your class is more than just memorable – it is impactful in a hugely positive way.
Some of the most memorable experiences I’ve had on my mat that have created the greatest positive impact for me have been when the teachers took me on a thoughtful emotional journey. They shared stories and/or quotes, or perhaps played songs that supported their message for that day. These are the practices that have helped me dive deeper into who I am and truly understand the power of yoga …which is much greater than what a series of physical shapes can deliver on their own.
Learning and choosing to theme that we’re passionate about when we teach helps us shift an otherwise – and no doubt – solid physical practice to become an unforgettable experience that creates emotional connections and a true, long-lasting positive impact.
With the platform we have as yoga teachers, we can offer an experience every time we teach that assists our students in going beyond the physical; one that creates space for personal inquiry and inspiration. The Bhagavad Gita taught us that “Yoga is the journey of the self; through the self to the self. ” We can be a catalyst for our students to take that journey in a safe place, fully supported.
What a gift we can give when we decide to weave a message into our teaching through theming. It helps add to the experience “why ” we do yoga, as opposed to only “how ” we do yoga.
I’d love for you to join me in an upcoming webinar, “How to Create More Amazing Yoga Class Experiences Without Feeling Like You Have to be a ‘Guru’! ”
During this webinar, we’ll talk a bit more about how we can shift our perspective on theming and successfully implement our heartfelt messages into our classes for the purpose of making a positive difference in the lives of our students.
Just to reserve your spot.
Know Yourself. Love Yourself. BE Yourself!
Together, we are stronger. Together and aligned, we are unstoppable!
*Sharing is Caring*
How has experiencing a theme enriched class affected you?
What themes are you most passionate about teaching to?