Tag "yoga teacher"

Rise to Your True Calling

The term “svadharma” (“sva” meaning self) suggests that each of us has a true calling, a gift to give, and a sacred duty to offer the world that is distinctly ours.

How Yoga Chose Me

Just an everyday overachieving, hypervigilent, perfectionist, striving for success, kinda girl. Two educations and two careers. Interior Design and NASM Personal Trainer. You say, “I’m successful and a great mom,”

Oh No! Not Another Yoga Teacher!

I have joined this guild yoga teachers teacher of those who wish to help others find an inner self-awareness that guides them to an indi-vidual whole body wellness.

6 Things to Put in Place Before Opening Your Yoga Business

If you are passionate about yoga and you have decided to turn it into a business, then  congratulations. It is a big step but an extremely rewarding career. However, before

Koya Webb: Yoga Digest Now Podcast

What a joy to carve out some time to visit with internationally recognized yoga teacher, celebrity holistic health coach, author, speaker, and vegan activist Koya Webb!  Koya is full of

5 Tips For Bringing New People Into Class

How do we as teachers get more people through the door and into our class? I get asked this question a lot. Here are 5 tips..

Breathe Into Your Hips

The more you practice linking breath and conscious, specific relaxation points in the body, the more you increase your overall body awareness. Give it time…. all is coming!

Change Maker Spotlight – Kate Murphy

Yoga Digest loves to connect with like-minded change makers who are making an impact on others through their work on and off the mat. Meet our latest Change Maker, Kate Murphy who says yoga helps her more creative, things flow more easily, and I am more effective in my work as a CEO!

Seane Corn: One Love Movement Podcast

Seane Corn (@seanecorn) is an internationally celebrated yoga teacher known for her impassioned activism for social and political change…Seane talks about using her voice to create change!

The Accidental Yogi (and How I Turned into a Purposeful Yoga Practioner)

It’s never too late! Learn how this accidental yogi found her path somewhat later in life and now shares it with the world one person at a time.