Tag "yoga"

What Do Men And Women Wear To Yoga?

Did you decide to attend yoga classes, but still not sure what to wear? The following information will be helpful for you, whether you are male or female. This “What

Yoga With Dad

A heart-warming tale of a dad and his daughter! Read this inspiring story by Featured Writer, yoga studio owner and father, Ryan Glidden.

7 Ways Yoga Melts Fat & Tones (infographic)

Learning to eat well is often the most difficult part of weight loss and healthful living. As Americans, it’s typically ingrained in many of us to have meals which consists

Explore Boat Pose!

Boat pose – A yogi’s most dreadful pose! Yoga Digest breaks down how and why to do this challenging pose.

Anxiety, Depression…and Yoga?

Yoga has many benefits, but can it help with anxiety and depression? Click here to learn how the 3 come together.

Get Hip This New Year: A Guide To Reducing Stress Through Hip Opening

The most wonderful time of the year can also be the most stressful time of the year between holiday shopping, events, family tensions and end of the year deadlines at

How to do Yoga at Work!

Yoga isn’t always about downward dog, or arm balances or fancy tricks like you see on Instagram. Life will never call on you to be able to do a full

3 Reasons to Practice Yin Yoga

Yin yoga postures provide a deep release and help you become more aware of your breathe. Click here for 3 reasons to do yin yoga.

Turn Up the Power in Downward Facing Dog

Perhaps the most iconic of all asana, downward facing dog is often the first pose people think of in association with yoga. It is common to move through downward facing

Your Brain On Yoga – Yoga for The Mind

  Yoga is holistic discipline and it teaches that nothing is wholly physical and that nothing is entirely mental. It emphasizes the unceasing interplay between mind and body. Anyone who