Posts From Yoga Digest

Spring Must-Haves For Yogis

We believe in shopping smart. Check out some great new products you purchase without the guilt!

5 Reasons to Take Some Rest In Child’s Pose

Childs pose is a great resting pose to center yourself during your practice. Click here to learn all the benefits!

Health is Wealth in July: Our 6 Favorite Items for Conscious Consumers

We believe in shopping smart. Check out some great new products you purchase without the guilt!

Eastern Traditional Medicine for Weight Loss

If your usual weight loss methods are not giving you the results you want, try these traditional all natural Eastern medicine techniques.

4 Ways To Save Money Eating Organic

Buying organic is on the rise, but so are the prices. For alot of us, budgets do not permit us buying 100% organic.

Can Prostate Cancer Be Prevented?

November is not just turkey month -it’s also the month of Movember, when men all over the world grow mustaches and take the Move Challenge to raise awareness for men’s

Get Back to Balance

We believe in shopping smart. Check out some great new products you purchase without the guilt!

Change Maker Spotlight – Lara Heimann

Lara Heimann is an international yoga pioneer and Physical Therapist focused on evolving the practice of yoga to empower movement and balance amidst a modern lifestyle of technology and sedentariness.

Healthy Homemade Snacks Minus the Guilt

Healthy homemade snacks offer a good start to a healthier lifestyle. It lets you avoid unhealthy options while allowing you to stick to a moderate portion of food come mealtime. Read more.

38 Alternative Uses for Unused Household Items (Infographic)

Stop! Before your toss it, see if you can use it! 38 creative ideas to reduce waste and solve some household, travel and storage issues!