Tag "yoga for beginners"

6 Ways to Kickstart Your Self-Practice

Attending class at your favorite yoga studio can be very rewarding. It might be just what you needed to clear your head after a long day. But obtaining a solid

New Research & Safe Yoga Practice

Recently, a large-scale comprehensive   of yoga injuries  was completed at The University of Alabama at Birmingham. A database provided by National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS) included almost 30,000

5 Poses to Increase Flexibility

As we age, we lose water in our tissues and intervertebral discs, our muscles and tendons lose elasticity,  and we start to experience the all too familiar feeling of “stiffness

Rest + Recharge: 6 Restorative Yoga Poses to do on Cold Winter Nights

Winter is a time of rest and relaxation. The days are shorter, the nights are longer, and our bodies are craving time to relax and rest in this time of

3 Ancient Yoga Practices to Motivate You Today

Motivation has been around for centuries. See how these ancient yoga concepts can help keep you on track today and everyday!

Yoga – Beyond the Physical

“Up dog, down dog, take a big breath in and bend your knees.   Find child pose “. We can all relate to these common words in a yoga class.

Learn to Headstand: 9 Tips to Practice at Home

There is something indescribably intimidating about headstands. For some, it happens naturally, but for others, it may take up to 12 months of practice, while learning to fall and recover

The “Right” Yoga

Yoga is NOT one thing, but everyone has their intention for doing yoga…


When you ask someone how they’re doing, do you ever hear, “I’m great, life is so balanced and calm and stress free “? Or, when you’re sitting in traffic, late

Practice At Home With Seane Corn, From Yoga At Home: Inspiration For Creating Your Own Home Practice

A dedicated home practice is an integral component of the study of yoga. It allows yogis of all levels to roll out their mats at any time…