Tag "super food"
Goji Berries: Put the Super In Super Food
If there is one berry that you should be eating (though all berries should be a part of your diet!) it’s the goji berry. Both a berry and an herb,
Jenny Travens HEALTH7 Fun Facts About Goji Berries
The benefits of goji berries endless! Explore these 7 fun facts and a delicious salad recipe!
Jenn Bodnar HEALTH10 Ayurvedic Herbs to Incorporate Into Your Daily Life – Right Now!
In the ancient science of Ayurveda, herbs are viewed as the spiritual essence – the Kundalini – of plants. Plants and herbs carry in their cells the wisdom of cosmic
Kiera Nachman AYURVEDA, HEALTH3 Reasons To Eat An Avocado Everyday
Avocados are one of natures most nutrient dense foods and pack a major health punch. Here are 3 reasons to eat one avocado everyday…
Yoga Digest HEALTHBaked Kale Chips
One of the best ways to enjoy kale is in the form of a kale chips. It becomes a crunchy, tasty treat that can easily replace the potato chips in your pantry!
Tammy Schienke RECIPESMaca Magic Protein Bar
250 Calories, Serves 9 Ingredients: 2 drops vanilla extract 1/4 cup sunflower seeds 1/4 cup coconut oil 1 tbsp organic grade B maple syrup 1 tsp cacao nibs, raw 1