Tag "super food"

Warm Kale Slaw

Try this yummy and creative twist on kale!

Goji Berries: Put the Super In Super Food

If there is one berry that you should be eating (though all berries should be a part of your diet!) it’s the goji berry. Both a berry and an herb,

7 Fun Facts About Goji Berries

The benefits of goji berries endless! Explore these 7 fun facts and a delicious salad recipe!

10 Ayurvedic Herbs to Incorporate Into Your Daily Life – Right Now!

In the ancient science of Ayurveda, herbs are viewed as the spiritual essence – the Kundalini – of plants. Plants and herbs carry in their cells the wisdom of cosmic

3 Reasons To Eat An Avocado Everyday

Avocados are one of natures most nutrient dense foods and pack a major health punch. Here are 3 reasons to eat one avocado everyday…

Baked Kale Chips

One of the best ways to enjoy kale is in the form of a kale chips. It becomes a crunchy, tasty treat that can easily replace the potato chips in your pantry!

Maca Magic Protein Bar

250 Calories, Serves 9 Ingredients: 2 drops vanilla extract 1/4 cup sunflower seeds 1/4 cup coconut oil 1 tbsp organic grade B maple syrup 1 tsp cacao nibs, raw 1