Tag "sleep"
Dangers of sleeping on a Bad Mattress
Mattresses are not made to last forever. In fact, the average lifespan of a mattress is around ten years, according to . This is, however, the case for higher end
William Banks HEALTH, LIFESTYLESleep: The New Aphrodisiac!
Sleep. Seems like when we are young, it’s just one more thing we are supposed to do because “they said so.” As we approach adolescence, we can’t get enough
Jenn Bodnar INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLE, SPONSOREDA Holistic Approach to a Better Night’s Sleep (Infographic)
Yoga can be a great way to achieve a sense of inner calm, but getting that calm to last beyond the first couple of hours after a flow can require more âworkâ than the physical exercise itself.
Yoga Digest LIFESTYLE, SPONSOREDCreating a Sleep Haven is Simple as 1-2-3!
We spend over a third of our lives sleeping. That is a significant amount of time in your Why not make it amazing? As tempting as it
Jenn Bodnar HEALTH, LIFESTYLE, SPONSOREDWhat Everyone Should Know About Chocolate Cravings
We all crave chocolate at some point. What is the reasons behind our chocolate cravings?
Brian McFadden HEALTH6 Ways A Good Night’s Sleep Will Improve Your Life
New research shows not getting a has become as big a risk to your health as poor diet and lack of exercise. This epidemic of sleeplessness did not happen overnight.
Jenn Bodnar HEALTH, Latest Articles, LIFESTYLETired of Feeling Sleep Deprived? 6 Steps to Snoozing Soundly
Adequate sleep is a key part of a healthy lifestyle, and can benefit your heart, weight, mind, and more.
Angela Ambrose HEALTH, LIFESTYLE, YOGANurturing Sleep – 13 Ayurvedic Remedies for A Restful Night
Sleep is something we all love but can’t seem to get enough of. Luckily, there are certain remedies for sleep. Find out what they are!
Meenakshi Gupta AYURVEDA, LIFESTYLEHealing Anxiety & Depression The Ayurvedic Way
Two of the most common mental health concerns in our society are depression & anxiety. Ayurveda has an approach to combat both!