Tag "health"

Thoughts…by 4 Yoga Moms

These yoga moms dish out some tips and advice on motherhood and self care!

11 Mainstream Foods You Think Are Healthy

These are the most common foods thought to be healthy but are actually terrible for you. Think you are eating healthy? Think again!

2 Reasons to Never Eat Processed Foods Ever Again

Processed foods make up a majority of the Western Diet. However, no one realizes what they are eating, if they did, probably wouldn’t be eating it…

3 Signs You Are Living in the Invisible Food Prison

Our generation is suffering from diet and lifestyle ailments such as heart disease and obesity. Are you living in the invisible food prison?

5 Yoga Revelations from the Heart of India

Yoga is an ever-expanding journey. No matter if you are new to yoga or have practiced for decades, there is always something to understand and embody at a deeper level. Open yourself up with travel and exploration!

Happy Vitamin D Day: 5 Ways to Eat Your Vitamin D

November 2nd has been declared Vitamin D day and the fact that this little tiny vitamin has its own day just shows how important it is! Vitamin D helps our

The Ultimate Infographic Guide to Juicing + Benefits

Visually comprehensive guide to juicing. Plus recipes and benefits!

Daily Routines to Support Good Health with Ayurveda

Ayurveda emphasizes the importance to maintain health help with disease. Uncover these daily Ayurveda routines for optimal health.

3 Reasons To Eat An Avocado Everyday

Avocados are one of natures most nutrient dense foods and pack a major health punch. Here are 3 reasons to eat one avocado everyday…

Making A Life Map Is Simple as 1-2-3

It’s never to late to re-write your life map. Here is a simple guide to get back on track.