Tag "energy"

The Amazing Benefits of Earthing

The theory of ‘earthing’ is simply walking barefoot or grounding your body to the Earth’s surface. It’s what our ancestors did and has many benefits!

Add Chia to Your Juice for an Energy Boost

Chia seeds stand for strength! Boost your juice with this simple addition and pack the protein, fiber, antioxidants and calcium!

What The Heck Is A Chakra?

Ever wondered what a chakra is and how it relates to yoga? Click to learn all about the chakras!

The Juice Boost You Have to Try: Turmeric!

Turmeric is one of the worlds most medicinal spices that is used in place of many prescription drugs. Find out why you should add it to your daily juice!

3 Ways to Make Yourself a Morning Person

With just a few adjustments of the mind mixed with some will and effort, anyone can become a morning person.

Yoga: Merging the Science with the Philosophy

A state of disease, lethargy, frustration, or feeling stuck is an expression of too much prana outside the body. The more peaceful and balanced we feel, the less dispersed our prana is. If the prana does not have room to flow freely within the body, then something must be blocking it. Read for more information on how to balance prana!

Gluten Free Protein Bars

Many of the big name protein bars are filled with gluten and don’t taste good at all! Try these homemade gluten free protein bars to get your protein!

My Easy Green Smoothie

Try this super easy, super food green smoothie revitalize.

Raw Food Detox: 10 Reasons to Try

The most natural and healthiest way to detoxify the body is through a raw food detox. Here are 10 reasons to try…