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New Picks for the New Year

We believe in shopping smart. Check out some great new products you purchase without the guilt!

Do I Belong Here?

Belonging is a core human need. It feels really good to have a home -a soft place to land. I dedicate an entire chapter in my book to finding your

Spring Must-Haves For Yogis

We believe in shopping smart. Check out some great new products you purchase without the guilt!


As yogis, we know how powerful self-awareness is to our yoga journey andour life off the mat. As a mid-40s professional, I felt pretty self-aware and securein what I want

Flipping the Script

I had a moment this weekend, where I turned on the news. Each time I do  this, I regret it lately. Why are we fixed on the negative? When I

Flip your Perspective w/ Aerial Yoga!

You’ve probably heard that gravity accelerates the aging process, but do you  know what slows it down? Flipping upside down. By taking your feet above your  heart, you unlock an

Pratyhara – Defined in Real Life

I shared Pratyahara with my class today and reminded myself how nice it  feels to go inward for clarity. The world gets so noisy and then everything gets  congested -mainly

The Key to Rest and Restoration

Traveling with a health-conscious mindset has never been more popular, and although most of our readers already prioritize a healthy lifestyle, we know you’re curious about opportunities to get away

Flow Through Fear

Some days, fear is crippling and freezes us in a place we feel protected. I remember a  conversation, at a party, about a woman who was so fearful of various

Get Om With It: An Intro to Reiki & the Chakras

As wellness seekers, most of us look for recommended resources to show us the way. If you’re a reader, like me, you’ll hunt book cover after book cover, looking for