Hello Monday!
Somewhere along the way Monday got a really bad rap. While the ending of a fun-filled, relaxing or celebratory weekend can be a little sad, it’s no reason to start a new week with a negative Nancy attitude. Turn that frown upside down and make Monday the new Friday.
Here are 3 Monday Motivation tips to help you make this week the best week ever!
1. “With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts. “ – Eleanor Roosevelt
Write down three simple goals for the week: one personal, one professional and one relational. For example: Eliminate sugar this week. Sign up for that workshop on Ayurveda. Surprise your beloved with a surprise love note to kick start their week or call mom and tell her I love her!
My inspiring friend shared this Facebook post today:
“My sister visited this weekend and she brought me a letter I had sent her in back in 2002. In April of 2002, I was working as an IT programming associate in Atlanta. ‘I plan to start grad school in the fall at Baylor & to get a Masters in Education – Health, Human Performance, and Recreation. My emphasis will be in education so I can coach (yes I know, a complete 180). I will teach, and teach with a passion. I will coach, and coach with a passion. My place is to be a positive role model in these students’ lives. To be a moral authority they can look up to. I want to make a difference! Teachers can be so influential! I can remember all my teachers & coaches who actually cared. They made a difference in my life.’ Upon reading this, I was overwhelmed with this truth: The power of a written goal and declaration. At the time I wrote the letter, all I had was a plan and a little faith. A dream. Really didn’t know exactly how it would end up. Only clear on the mission. Today, with the help of MANY, I have the great honor, privilege & opportunity of leading & teaching in a cutting-edge coaching major (sport performance leadership) at SMU, and coaching triathletes and fitness enthusiasts with DFW Tri Club. Write your goals down. From the heart. Dreams DO come true. ~ David Bertrand –
2. “A journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step. “ – Lao Tzu
In relation to the above exercise or not, pick one thing you will change this week like: I will not raise my voice to my kids, I will not complain, or I will connect with my friends directly, not by just commenting on their Facebook status. Small gestures can have huge repercussions.
3. “It’s never too late – in fiction or in life – to revise. “ – Nancy Thayer
Did you eat junk this weekend? Did you get in a silly argument with a co-worker or friend? It’s history. Start over. Everyone has a past and everyone has a chance to revise and start over. There would be no such thing as erasers if we didn’t make mistakes. You can have and achieve anything if you really, really want it. It’s a new day, a new week and the world is all yours!
Make it Fantastic!
Photo – shutterstock.com