Tag "change"

Change Maker Spotlight – Kimberly Spreen-Glick

Kimberly Spreen-Glick is an ERYT and YACEP with Yoga Alliance. She has had the privilege of teaching, coaching and speaking all over the world in the areas of fitness, yoga

Hello Monday!

Monday’s got a bad rap in our society. What if we could change that? Here is some inspiration power through every Monday…

Transformation: Just When the Caterpillar Thought Her Life Was Over, She Became A Butterfly

We have all heard of the analogy, but here is a rare and up close view and the miracle, struggle, patience and unpredictability of change.

Yoga In The Front Row

…. that moment that I have to face the truth…MY spot on the back row just left of center has been taken! And to make it worse, the only spots still open are in the front row.

Making A Life Map Is Simple as 1-2-3

It’s never to late to re-write your life map. Here is a simple guide to get back on track.

How I Recovered from Yoga Burnout

How’s your practice recently? Keeping a consistent practice on the days you don’t feel like it is a discipline many of us dedicated yogi’s have adopted. The natural order of

Don’t Let These 5 Excuses Become Your Life’s Anthem

Are you guilty of using these excuses? Odds are we all are from time to time!

6 Goals You’re Chasing That Might Be Ruining Your Life (Motivation)

We all have goals, but are they smart goals? Are we taking the right approach to our goals? Don’t let these 6 common goals get in the way.

5 Daily Habits of Happy People

A goal is everyone’s life should be happiness. But how do we achieve it? Here are the 5 daily habits of happy people.

When Life Throws You Lemons: Learning How to Deal With the Unexpected

Life can give you great things, and then sometimes out of the blue something bad can happen. Life is just like that…