Are You a Terrible Meditator and Can You Fix the Problem?

Several years ago talk show host Michael Feldman of the NPR show “Whad’Ya Know ”  was interviewing author and The New York Times columnist Patricia Marks. Marks said she paid

Gift Guide: Home for the Holidays

We believe in shopping smart. Check out some great new products you purchase without the guilt!

Eating Clean on the Cheap

You might have heard that eating clean can add up quickly. Depending on what food choices  you make, it’s definitely possible to eat healthy without blowing your budget. Let’s not

8 Wellness and Fitness Gifts We Love Right Now

We believe in shopping smart. Check out some great new products you purchase without the guilt!

Confused about Soy?

It seems like everyone is confused about soy.  You can find just as .  Do a google search and you will literally find content claiming soy lowers cholesterol levels but

Feel Good, Look Good, Be Good: Ethical Brands We Love

We believe in shopping smart. Check out some great new products you purchase without the guilt!

Get Om With It: An Intro to Reiki & the Chakras

As wellness seekers, most of us look for recommended resources to show us the way. If you’re a reader, like me, you’ll hunt book cover after book cover, looking for

Lessons from 2020 & How to Move Forward

We all know that this year has had more challenges than any year we’ve experienced in our life  time so far. 2020 has brought us a decade worth of lessons

Polyvagal Theory and the Breath

I don’t know about you, but I’ve been hearing a lot about the vagus nerve of late. From its  association to stress, mental health and wellness to heart rate variability

Health is Wealth in July: Our 6 Favorite Items for Conscious Consumers

We believe in shopping smart. Check out some great new products you purchase without the guilt!