Posts From Rene Hawthorne

10 Codes to Retrain Your Brain

Yoga can bring a steadiness and strength in the body as well as contentment of the mind. The practice encompasses all levels of psychology, physiology and consciousness thereby putting us

24 Lessons You Can Learn from Your Yoga Mat

There are so many lessons learned on the mat during yoga practice, that can be applied to living life. The beautiful thing about yoga is that it is equally as

Tapping Into Tapas: Creatures of Comfort And how we can create change through Tapas

Since we are creatures of comfort, we often don’t want to step out of our comfort zone.   Breaking through old habits or patterns can be like getting out of

Energy Boost From the Inside Out

Cultivating your inner spark – your true beauty – requires self-nurture, stress management, and keeping your energy levels replenished….

Yoga for the Visually Impaired

Yoga is for everyone! You’ve heard the saying “Yoga is for everyone “, well it’s TRUE! As I prepare for my 4th annual summer yoga camp for visually impaired underprivileged

Currents of Energy: From Manifestation to Liberation

As you begin to plan your New Years’ resolutions you may want to consider the currents of energy within our bodies and how to manipulate them to create the life


The  butterfly effect  is a phenomenon which has evolved from the Chaos Theory. In metaphorical language, it means that a small change can give rise to a big tidal wave.

Flip Your Perspective

“Why not touch the things we hate and turn them upside down and inside out. ” ~Alber Elbaz Have you ever had the feeling you were stuck in a rut?

Discover Your Higher Purpose

“The greatest achievement was at first and for a time a dream. The oak sleeps in the acorn, the bird waits in the egg, and in the highest vision of

The Power of Pause

Discovering that state of mind that exists in between, as I sometimes refer to metaphorically as the yellow light, can be a powerful and enlightening moment. Our society values being