Posts From Lacey Pruett
How to Beat Quarantine Fatigue
How many of you wake up, already feeling drained? There are two types of tired: a tired that can be cured with more sleep and a tired that can be
Lacey Pruett LIFESTYLECan I Get a Connection?
I was in the ladies room stall, when I overheard someone criticize my work. At the time, I was a marketing consultant for a nutritional company, and I had just
Lacey Pruett COMMUNITY, INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLENo Excuses: 5 Ways to Make Healthy a Habit
Habits are hard to form. Like anything else, they take practice! Here are 5 ways to make your habits healthy habits!
Lacey Pruett INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLEFlip your Perspective w/ Aerial Yoga!
You’ve probably heard that gravity accelerates the aging process, but do you know what slows it down? Flipping upside down. By taking your feet above your heart, you unlock an
Lacey Pruett YOGAWhy Would They Do That To Me?
People meet you from where they are, not from where you are. Why would we expect anything else? Because we have a selfish side that really does expect people to
Lacey Pruett LIFESTYLEKarma Yoga
As Yoga Teachers we operate from the heart. Obviously, we would have chosen another profession if we didn’t, right? How do you welcome everyone to class, set an intention for
Lacey Pruett COMMUNITY, HEALTH, INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLE, YOGAPratyhara – Defined in Real Life
I shared Pratyahara with my class today and reminded myself how nice it feels to go inward for clarity. The world gets so noisy and then everything gets congested -mainly
Lacey Pruett LIFESTYLE, YOGABenefits to a Beach Yoga Practice
The best time for a beach vacation is anytime you have the opportunity to go; however, I have a long-standing, personal wellness ritual to head south during the winter months,
Lacey Pruett LIFESTYLE, YOGAShannon Roche, President and CEO of Yoga Alliance: Yoga Digest Now Podcast
Yoga Alliance reached another milestone in the Standards Review Project it began in the Fall of 2017. Eight working group papers are now available for the yoga community to review.
Lacey Pruett PodcastRachel Brathen, a.k.a. Yoga Girl: Yoga Digest Now Podcast
With more than 2 million followers on Instagram (@yoga_girl), as well as millions of downloads for her weekly podcast, From the Heart: Conversations with Yoga Girl, Rachel Brathen has