Why You Should (and how to) Make Your Own All Natural Bug Spray
Summer, there is no better time of the year! The sun is shining, flip flops are appropriate just about anywhere, the days are long providing more energy and the nights are festive. There is no shortage of outdoor activities! Along with all the summer fun however, comes those pesky intruders: mosquitoes, ants and itchy annoying little insects of all kinds. It’s tempting in the midst of an all out insect attack to reach for the nearest bottle of commercial bug spray and douse yourself like a middle schooler with their first bottle of cologne. Before you do, check out what’s really keeping the bugs away and if it’s worth it. Think about it, if it repels bugs, it’s probably not very good for you either!
One of the most common ingredients in bug spray is DEET – (N, N-diethly-m-tolumide). If swallowed or inhaled, consumption can cause nausea, vomiting and severe stomach ache. More serious side effects as determined by a study found that DEET can interfere with the activity of enzymes that are vital for the nervous system to function properly. An article published by the U.S. National Library of Medicine states that DEET is especially harmful to children causing seizures with long term exposure.
While being a buffet for insects is certainly not appealing, the consequences of using chemicals on our bodies may not outweigh the benefits. Consider making your very own safe and naturally fragrant insect repellent. Here is a simple recipe to bring along to your next outdoor summer adventure:
- 3 oz. organic aloe vera juice or witch hazel
- 20 drops eucalyptus essential oil
- 20 drops lavender essential oil
- 10 drops tea tree oil
- 10 drops rosemary oil
- 10 drops lemon essential oil
Shake and spray! There are other oils you can try like cinnamon, cedarwood and peppermint. Be creative, smell good and keep the bugs away with this all natural bug spray!