Tag "self discovery"
7 Easy Ways to Calm Your Mind
The world is a stressful place. If you dont know how to manage your stress, youll end up absorbing all the negative energy in your surroundings. Here are 7 ways to keep calm and carry on.
Vikram Tarugu INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLEThe Particles Within Self
If you currently feel you have no clue who you are, what you are supposed to do with your life or why you are here on this spinning rock called Earth…….you are not alone!
I have never really been a fan of New Year’s resolutions, not because I don’t like goal-setting, but simply because I don’t think you need a certain day to do
Shauna Harrison LIFESTYLESeven Simple Exercises to Achieve Fulfillment
If you are not feeling totally fulfilled, you are not alone. Nearly 80% of people interviewed for our long term study of fulfillment did not feel totally fulfilled
William Schiemann INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLEBreak the Rules: Reminder to Self
Becoming yourself is life’s work. If the same tried and true tactics are not working, allow yourself to open and unfold through the practice of yoga.
Laura Plumb COMMUNITY, SPONSORED, YOGAWhat’s love got to do with it, anyway?
Love …a four letter word that since the beginning of time has been a topic of books, songs and movies. It has started wars and ended wars. Yet, there is
Melanie Butz INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLEGoing to the Mat: 5 Ways Yoga Helped Me Leave a Bad Relationship by Rediscovering My Truth
It had been years, years of miscommunication and misunderstanding, years of anger of not feeling âseenâ of losing myself or maybe hiding myself…