Tag "beginner yoga"
Breathe Into Your Hips
The more you practice linking breath and conscious, specific relaxation points in the body, the more you increase your overall body awareness. Give it time…. all is coming!
Laura McCorry YOGAWhy Yoga and Prenatal Massage Should Go Hand in Hand During Pregnancy
Being pregnant is one of the most incredible experiences of a woman’s life. It’s a time of emotional highs and lows. You are creating a new life, and no matter
Donna Maurer HEALTH, LIFESTYLE, YOGATurn Up the Power in Downward Facing Dog
Perhaps the most iconic of all asana, downward facing dog is often the first pose people think of in association with yoga. It is common to move through downward facing
Anika Devore YOGAFor the Love of Yin
In our own daily lives, many of us tend to lean toward the yang side of the spectrum: working long hours, exercising hard, and moving along dynamically in a fast-paced world. Yin yoga is an opportunity to balance some of that active yang energy by nurturing stillness in the body.
Masumi Goldman SPONSORED, YOGAYoga: Which Style Best Meets Your Needs?
Do you practice yoga (or want to practice) and find yourself confused by the seemingly countless styles? If so keep reading to understand the most common styles of yoga and the philosophies of each.
Jaylene Geisler YOGAYoga In The Front Row
…. that moment that I have to face the truth…MY spot on the back row just left of center has been taken! And to make it worse, the only spots still open are in the front row.
Amy Glass West COMMUNITY, INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLE, YOGATop 5 Yoga Poses to Relieve Plantar Fasciitis
Around one out of ten people suffer from plantar fasciitis some points in their life, and although the disorder is more common among athletes and avid walkers, it can affect
As yogis, we know how powerful self-awareness is to our yoga journey andour life off the mat. As a mid-40s professional, I felt pretty self-aware and securein what I want
Lacey Pruett Latest Articles, LIFESTYLEThe Synchronization of Breath & Movement: Cat/Cow
Cat/Cow It is very common to begin a yoga practice, after the initial establishment of breath, by moving through cat and cow pose. With a nice stable base in table
Anika Devore YOGA5 Things Your Yoga Teacher Wants To Tell You
1. We are not perfect either I know you consider us as the epitome of knowledge and inner peace but guess what? We are humans – and that means