Flipping the Script
I had a moment this weekend, where I turned on the news. Each time I do this, I regret it lately. Why are we fixed on the negative? When I studied broadcast journalism, we were allowed to broadcast our opinion. State the facts, smile, move on. Maybe we should bring some of this back to the airwaves? Working in animal rescue and with various domestic abuse organizations leaves me really down on society sometimes. I’ve learned tools through the years to zip up my armor against the negative, but every so often, the stab of the sword finds its way right into my soft spot, un-covered by my armor. Dammit.
I’m left angry, sad, and hungry all at the same time because I’ve developed this super-power in my 40s. I feel the feels deeper, and get angry at the injustice and unkind in this world, then my stomach closes shut when all the negative hits me. Even my favorite foods mean nothing to me. They don’t taste as good, and I don’t even want them. I realize how much work still needs to be done for God’s beings who are in need here, in this life. I feel compassion fatigued once again.
Working as a yoga teacher has been a nice compliment to my volunteer work and this challenging season of life, as I feel myself repair, as I teach. Even though my classes aren’t about me, and I am there to serve my students, I feel my personal weight lift off my shoulders. I am grateful to have the opportunity to teach my students. When I walk into the studio, no matter what I am carrying in, I am able to put it in a box and place it in the over-priced, organized closet in my mind. I teach, I share, I move, and I feel better afterward. As soon as I step off that stage though, I must grab that box back off of the shelf or it will fester.
How do I deal with it? I write. I list out all the issues, I literally dump them onto a piece of paper. This ritual feels like I am removing each issue, conflict, weakness out of my mind and onto the paper. I’ve done it so often that I feel this ritual even deeper now. Once I get it all out, I go to our cast iron fire pit in our back yard. (I’ve even done this in the rain, as the pot has a cover.) The paper goes into the pot, and I watch it burn. As I watch the paper, I feel the lift, which I enjoy for the rest of the night. Now I am prepared for the next set of troubles, when they come barreling toward me.
Some of us are overloaded right now. Things are heavy, local and national news doesn’t contain goodness and joy, and it can be overwhelming at some moments. That breaking point is your clue to not react and go inward. I know we’re human, so try to not react and try to simply fall inward and let your intuition guide you through these next steps to recover. As a yoga teacher, of
course I want you to consider a local yoga class, maybe try out a few classes at your local studio, but if yoga is too big of a step from where you are right now, here are some simple steps that move with my quick pace of life.
1. Set Boundaries
Setting boundaries isn’t forever. It doesn’t mean dropping whatever you’re doing right now and everyone you’re close to right now. Boundaries can ebb and flow with your speed of recovery. Take inventory of how you feel doing certain activities and how you feel hanging out with certain people. There is where you will find answers as to which boundaries to prioritize. Also, right now, say no. No extra responsibilities until you’re feeling better.
2. Self-Care
This can be a better fueling system, more hydration, a massage, extra rest, or 15 minutes in a closet to breathe or be with your thoughts. You get to pick how you sooth yourself. Choose something that boosts you in a healthy way. (Don’t down
a bottle of wine. That feel good is temporary and has future consequences.) I have fire workouts and water workouts. The fire workouts (HIIT training, fast cardio, heavy weight training, kickboxing) are my angry workouts. Frustration, anger, irritability, even PMS can be soothed with these activities. Water workouts (ebb and flow of yoga, swimming, dancing, or any movement with flow) help me regulate my breathing, tap into my parasympathetic nervous system, and calm the F down. Sometimes, the best self-care in no activity at all. Stillness and rest, alone. Solitude is an under-rated temporary activity. Treat it like HIIT training
though -a little goes a long way, and too much can be harmful to your other life goals.
3. Ask for Help
Vulnerable share here, but lately, I had to be the student in a very embarrassing way. My balance was off as I was teaching one of my classes. I couldn’t even demo certain postures for the class. I felt myself get frustrated and anxious that I was ruining their yoga experience. The reality of this moment was that it was yoga happening to me. We’re humans who occasionally get off-balance. I wasn’t giving myself the space and grace I ask my students to give themselves. It took my stubborn self a while to unpack this lesson, but now that I did, I want to share. When you’re in a tough moment, see yourself as someone you care for. How would you encourage them? Do more of that for yourself.
4. Express Your Emotions
As a child, I was taught to be a good girl, and that good girls aren’t emotional. Don’t cry, don’t yell, and don’t laugh too loudly. As a teenager and young adult, I was taught I was to be seen not heard. By the time I hit 30, guess what I was staying to all of that? Let that “stuff ” go. (I probably said something else at the time.) The art of respectfully sharing your authentic thoughts has been lost on current society, but let’s bring it back. You and I both need to feel seen and heard. It’s a human need we shouldn’t hide from. Be kind about it, but wave your flags.
5. Humor is Healing
I hold my funny friends in high regard, as they can help me out of a rut with a mere sentence. That’s powerful to me, as I love to laugh. The world doesn’t always give you stuff to laugh about and smiling can be difficult some days. This is when I head to the funny farm -either via funny memes, jokes, or calling one of my top shelf gals.
Flipping the script and considering what you broadcast into your day can help elevate your days into more joy. Life is too precious to stay stuck for too long. Go find the joy!