Change Maker Spotlight: Liberty Suares
Liberty is an island girl from Curaçao, a lover of life, and a real beach babe. As an island girl, born and raised near the ocean, she’s always inspired by the beauty of nature and loves to travel. Liberty is a 23 year old with a BSc degree in Architecture and certified Yoga Teacher. After 5 years of adventure and city life in
Holland, she decided to follow her heart and move back to her island.
Liberty loves to take her practice outdoors, whether it’s a beachy-practice, a sunset class or SUP yoga with
Dushi SUP, this beautiful island has so much to offer.
YD: How did you get into yoga?
After a year at the University studying all day, I felt the urge to move again. I knew I had to change my
lifestyle, so I got back in to running. With running came stretching and then one day I decided to download a yoga app. 15min a day quickly turned into 75 min practices.
YD: What have you done in the past year to better yourself as a Yoga Teacher?
I think it all has to do with following your heart and standing behind your beliefs. As soon as I started
teaching on the island, I realized that the yoga community is much smaller here. Instead of doubting my self, I believed in my strength and started focusing on how I can make it grow.
YD: Why is yoga so important in the world we live in today?
In the world we live in today we are constantly busy with everything that is happening outside and forget to
listen what is going on inside. Yoga is a way to reconnect with your own beautiful self. And I think that we
could all use some extra time for ourselves.
YD: What do you like the least about yoga?
The image of what yoga should look like. There are so many accounts on social media that only share the
perfect pictures just to get many likes. But instead of inspiring and sharing the proces, a lot of these accounts are giving the wrong information and setting up a crazy image on this platform. There is so much more to yoga than just a perfect headstand.
YD: Where do you see the yoga industry in 10 years?
The yoga industry is constantly growing and I don’t think it’s stopping anytime soon. Yoga is becoming so
‘normal’ that more and more people are starting to discover the beauty of it. I think that the online yoga
platforms will grow even more. It’s a perfect solution for people with busy lives and that just want to practice at home.
YD: What is your life motto?
Do more of what makes you happy. We only have one life to live, so might as well enjoy this time here on
earth. I’ve discovered that by doing what makes you happy and by following your dreams, life starts to give
back, and that all these beautiful opportunities start to pop up and bloom.