Are You a Terrible Meditator and Can You Fix the Problem?
Several years ago talk show host Michael Feldman of the NPR show “Whad’Ya Know ” was interviewing author and The New York Times columnist Patricia Marks. Marks said she paid
Jay Marcus HEALTH, LIFESTYLE, YOGASuffering from Sciatica
The muscle area of strain and pain that my clients and students ask for help with most often is the sciatic nerve area. Sciatica is the term used when describing
Rene Hawthorne YOGAStop “Double Doing”
Use what you need. Rest what you don’t. We are familiar with this concept and practice when it comes to our environment. We know about best practices when it comes
Tara Stiles INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLE, YOGAGift Guide: Home for the Holidays
We believe in shopping smart. Check out some great new products you purchase without the guilt!
Yoga Digest COMMUNITY, Editors’ Picks, HEALTH, INSPIRATION, Latest Articles, LIFESTYLE, YOGAChange Maker Spotlight: Chris Corbett author of Nirvana Blues
is an author and communications professional who has worked for Walt Disney, Playboy Magazine and on an Academy Award-winning film in addition to documentary film projects in Europe, America, and
Yoga Digest INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLE, YOGA4 Ways A Varied Yoga Practice Supports Healthy Fascia
Many of us, myself included, practice yoga asana with the aim of improving or maintaining well-rounded good health. One of the key physical impacts of yoga practice is on our
Rachel Land YOGACreate Your Own Virtual Retreat at Home
“In order to understand the world, one has to turn away from it on occasion. ” ~Albert Camus This is the year we all need a little nurturing and by
Rene Hawthorne LIFESTYLE, YOGA8 Wellness and Fitness Gifts We Love Right Now
We believe in shopping smart. Check out some great new products you purchase without the guilt!
Yoga Digest COMMUNITY, Editors’ Picks, HEALTH, INSPIRATION, Latest Articles, LIFESTYLE, YOGAThe Power of Breathwork: 3 Reasons To Incorporate Breathwork Into Your Self-care Regimen
If you’re engaged in the yoga and meditation community, you have likely heard of Breathwork by now. A common claim is that “Breathwork is the new.. [ insert yoga or
Whitney Yarnall Uncategorized, YOGA5 Benefits of Yoga for College Students
Most people assume that college students are young and should not be bothered about physical and mental health issues that others face. However, that is not the case. As a