6 Benefits of Downward Facing Dog

Doward facing dog is the signature pose of yoga for good reason. The benefits are unbeatable! Click here to learn how to do it properly.

3 Ways New Yoga Students Can Embrace National Yoga Month

September is National Yoga Month. Click here to learn more about it and why you should take part.

Supermoon Salutations

Yoga Digest gets creative with a supermoon sequence of supermoon salutations. Click here to celebrate the supermoon – yoga style!

When the Student Becomes the Yoga Teacher

Thinking about becoming a yoga teacher? It’s a rewarding experience. Click here to read the personal experiences of a first time yoga teacher.

Connection – The Art of Yoga

Yoga is a spiritual practice that deepens connection within the body. Check out this photographic series of yoga poses called “The Art of Yoga.”

The 5 Rules to Be More Present

Being present has many health benefits. Click here to discover the 5 ways to be more present in your busy life.

Anxiety, Depression…and Yoga?

Yoga has many benefits, but can it help with anxiety and depression? Click here to learn how the 3 come together.

Yoga and the Brain

Yoga boasts many health benefits. What about yoga and the brain? Discover your brain when you do yoga.

Yoloha Yoga Mats: Yogis Dream Mat

The Yoloha Yoga Mat is 100% natural, renewable, recyclable and biodegradable material. What more could a yogi ask for?

3 Reasons to Practice Yin Yoga

Yin yoga postures provide a deep release and help you become more aware of your breathe. Click here for 3 reasons to do yin yoga.