Yoga and the Athletes Transition

Many athletes are not sold on yoga in the beginning. However, after they feel the benefits, the yoga transition becomes addictive…

#Instagram #Yogis: A Close Look At Instagram Challenges

Instagram challenges offer yogi’s a chance to show their passion and get recognized. We asked Dylan Werner and Ashley Galvin give us their perspective.

This Is What’s SUP Summer Time Yogis!

SUP yoga is an awesome summertime adventure. Dive in and find out what this new sup yoga craze is all about!

What Separates Elite Athletes From the Rest?

Being an elite athlete requires staying ahead of your competition. So, what exactly separates elite athletes from the rest? We have the answer!

Peaceful PMS: 7 Yoga Poses To Feel Better Now

PMS is no fun. Luckily, various yoga poses can relieve PMS symptoms. Click here to find out how!

What The Heck Is A Chakra?

Ever wondered what a chakra is and how it relates to yoga? Click to learn all about the chakras!

8 Reasons To Get Upside Down

Inversions are fun and come with many benefits! Let’s get upside down and learn all about them!

Marine Claims Life Saved by Yoga

Sarah Plummer tells us her story as a marine and how yoga literally saved her life.

Belief: The “I’s” Have It

Belief comes from within. It’s takes a certain perspective see find your beliefs and how your belief system impacts your life…

Can Yoga Really Help Someone with a Cancer Diagnosis??

Yoga and cancer are a hot topic of research. Is yoga a good exercise for cancer patients? Let’s find out from a group of cancer patients themsevles!