Yoga Hacks for Moms: How to Fit Yoga into a Crazy Mom Life

Moms have to juggle plenty of things throughout their day, especially those with small kids and also have to work. If you fall in this category taking a few minutes

Meditation Make-Over

With the ‘mindfulness movement’ in full force, everyone is trying to become more woke and self-aware. Many are touting practices that help TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE. There is so much new

Change Maker Spotlight: Meryl Best Lowell

Meryl Best Lowell is a breast cancer survivor and Yoga Nidra facilitator who helps children live happier through her book The Dolphin’s Secret: A Meditational Journey for Children. Lowell believes

Yoga & Wellness Gifts for Mother’s Day

We believe in shopping smart. Check out some great new products you purchase without the guilt!

The Sound of Silence – 2 Reasons to Try Sound Off Yoga

Perhaps you have seen the photos and videos; people doing yoga with glowing headphones and a hip DJ in a dark room or at a park?   Welcome to world

Why Yoga and Prenatal Massage Should Go Hand in Hand During Pregnancy

Being pregnant is one of the most incredible experiences of a woman’s life. It’s a time of emotional highs and lows. You are creating a new life, and no matter

The Power of Pause

Discovering that state of mind that exists in between, as I sometimes refer to metaphorically as the yellow light, can be a powerful and enlightening moment. Our society values being

Avoiding Avidya: 10 Yoga Myths Busted

Mark Twain said “Never let the truth get in the way of a good story “, and this seems to be as true in yoga as it is elsewhere. Certain

How to Avoid those Embarrassing Moments on Your Yoga Mat

Don’t overestimate your abilities. In yoga class the other day, the burly guy right behind me tumbled out of handstand and narrowly missed landing on me, his flailing feet grazing

Spring Must-Haves For Yogis

We believe in shopping smart. Check out some great new products you purchase without the guilt!