5 Reasons To Make Your Own Beauty Products
If youre like most people, and I dont just mean the ladies, you would probably be a little embarrassed to put a price tag on your maintenance items over the years. Americans spend about 10 billion dollars on beauty products annually. The scary thing is many people will fall victim to marketing without paying any attention to the harmful ingredients found in most items, even those advertised as natural.
Allergic reactions, breakouts, redness and swelling are all side effects of the numerous toxic ingredients found in many over the counter products. Bigger complications can include reproductive issues, liver, kidney and lung damage. For an in depth look at seriously harmful products check out this article from Forbes magazine contributor, Melanie Haiken who lists the top 5 scariest beauty products . In addition, look out for talc, propylene glycol, phthalates and parabens.
The good news is, with a little creativity and research you can make just about anything you need to volumize, clear, lift, energize and tighten right in your kitchen! Thats right, kitchen. The saying goes if you wouldnt eat it, then you shouldnt put it on your skin.
Heres 5 reasons to ditch the beauty products filled with too many ingredients to list or pronounce and make your own!
1. You know exactly whats in it. Everything you put on your skin is absorbed into your body. Think of it as filling your body with nutrients, the same way drinking water nourishes the skin from the inside out, you can nourish the blood stream with healthy ingredients from the outside in! Theres no question when you have made a sugar scrub with just 3 ingredients as to the safety and efficiency of the product. Some products actually do the exact opposite of what they promise because of drying chemicals and preservatives. Keep it simple!
2. It costs a fraction of the manufactured stuff. Some beauty products can cost up to $100 or more for an ounce! You can probably buy an entire supply of ingredients (starter kit listed below) and make hundreds of products for same cost. Save!
3. Its fun to create. It can become an addiction. You start with a facial toner and the next thing you know youre making homemade mascara! There are recipes for everything you can imagine and once you get a collection of ingredients on hand you can start to explore what works best on your skin. Whether youre scientist at heart or a budding make up artist, the creative freedom in making your own beauty products is empowering. You can even start to make gifts for others. Everyone knows there is nothing more special than a hand crafted creation!
4. Somethings just cant beat nature. Have you ever noticed how much beauty products love to brag about the natural ingredients in their product: argan oil, olive oil, lemon, rosemary, the list goes on and on, but sadly there are minimal traces actually present in the product. You can buy an entire 8 oz. bottle of organic argan oil for about $13. This super beauty ingredient is graffitid on labels everywhere, from shampoos to lotions and salon treatments to make up. Get back to the basics. Using natural ingredients can help balance your dosha, check out our articles on ayurveda: and . Back to the basics!
5. You are saving the environment. Any opportunity we have to save the environment from harmful pollutants is a bonus! As long as we continue to support and promote harmful products, they will continue to be produced. See if there is one product you can swap for a natural environmentally safe one. Start small!
Whatever your needs might be there is a remedy: age spots, acne, dry skin, dandruff. Google it! If you dont have anything specific and just want to get started, here is a list of natural (most can be found organic) ingredients to keep on hand for shampoo, conditioning, moisturizers, facial treatments, blush, mascara and more:
1. Honey
2. Cocoa Powder
3. Scented essential oils for specific needs: lavender, lemon, peppermint etc.
4. Baking Powder
5. Apple Cider Vinegar
6. Aloe Vera Water
7. Coconut Oil
8. Beeswax
9. Organic Sugar
10. Sea Salt
11. Avocado, Almond, Sesame and/or Argan oil
12. Fresh berries
13. Beets to stain cheeks and lips. It works!
14. Dont forget mini spray bottles and air tight containers to store your creations in!
Let the fun, savings, creativity and better health begin!
References: http://www.livestrong.com/article/260750-harmful-cosmetic-ingredients/
Photo – shutterstock.com