A Year in Hot Yoga
The Ixia Press release of 365 Daily Meditations for On and Off the Mat: A Year in Hot Yoga, presents a year’s worth of daily meditations inspired by the challenges and graces of a hot yoga practice, this guide highlights the connections between life as experienced both on and off the mat. Each inspirational meditation draws from the principles of the hot yoga system, offering jewels of wisdom and perspective that can be easily applied to everyday life.
In his tender and often hilarious style, author Scott Ginsberg understands that the hot room is where we confront our weaknesses as well as celebrate our strengths. The wisdom we learn in those exchanges, from our own bodies, our instructors, and our classmates, is never finished evolving and deepening. The more we practice, the more we learn a new mindset of openness and acceptance, one that we strive to incorporate into our daily lives outside of the studio.
Scott Ginsberg is the author of numerous books, as well as a TEDx speaker, international business consultant, and singer/songwriter. Scott has been featured in media outlets such as 20/20, CNN, USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, The Today Show, The Associated Press, Success Magazine, FastCompany, Cosmopolitan, The Washington Post, Paul Harvey, The CBS Early Show, and Headline News. His website, hellomynameisscott.com, was selected in Technorati’s yearly rankings as a Top 100 Business Blog on the Web.