Tag "vegan"

Butternut Squash Jalapeño Soup w/ Lemon & Avocado (Oil and Salt-free)

Prep time: 20 mins Cook time: 50 mins Total time: 1 hour 10 mins Serves: 3-5 Ingredients · 1 large butternut squash (about 6 cups), diced in ½" cubes ·

Raw Spaghetti and Veggie Balls

Ever had raw spaghetti? This Raw Spaghetti and Veggie Balls recipe is an easy, great tasting alternative everyone will enjoy!

Crunchy Chocolate Chia Peanut Butter Balls

Vegan, Gluten-Free, and Delicious! These chia peanut butter balls are a quick and healthy on-the-go treat your friends will be snagging from you!

Stay Well in Winter Shopping Guide

We believe in shopping smart. Check out some great new products you purchase without the guilt!

Summer 2019 HOT List

We believe in shopping smart. Check out some great new products you purchase without the guilt!

Essentials for a Happy (and Healthy) New Year

We believe in shopping smart. Check out some great new products you purchase without the guilt!

Happy Tacos with Avocado Sauce

This yummy meatless Monday recipe with avocado sauce is one everyone will enjoy!

6 Tips for a Plant-Based Transition

Plant-based eating may seem like a stretch given the abundance of convenience foods. These simple tips are great for implementing baby steps towards an ahimsa, or non-harming diet that benefits the you as much as the environment.

Raw Food Detox: 10 Reasons to Try

The most natural and healthiest way to detoxify the body is through a raw food detox. Here are 10 reasons to try…

You will Fall for these Latest Wellness Trends!

We believe in shopping smart. Check out some great new products you purchase without the guilt!