Tag "presence"

Celebrate The Moments

Do you celebrate life or do you hide in the shadows? We should celebrate any victory, no matter how small, and do it on a daily basis….

The Work is the Gift

The same man that greeted us, is also serving us. This man understands that without the work, there is no gift…

Rewiring your brain – How to change samskaras to create more freedom in life ?

Samskara are habits created when thoughts and actions become impressions on the mind. They are the result of repetitive behavior that strengthens neural pathways which can unconsciously affect our reactions to stimuli.

Ecstatic Reunion: Tips to Remembering Connectedness & the Present Moment

Yoga practice is a useful tool to help us recognize our connectedness to each other, all living things and ourselves. It isn’t about changing anything or adding anything.

Are you Self-Conscious or Self-Aware?

Consider for a moment two different practices. Practice One: Sit up straight and take a deep breath. Notice how your body feels at this moment. Feel where your body is

Are We There Yet?

In this crazy busy world we live in where there often doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day to get it all done, I find that many(most) of

Meditation with Julie: Just This Moment

We live in uncertain times, and it’s easy to get caught up in the stress and pressures of the world around us; feeling anxious about the future or about things