Tag "kundalini"
5 Life Lessons Kundalini Yoga has Taught Me:
Kundalini Yoga is the yoga of awareness. Though it appears quite dogmatic, extreme and overly spiritual with people in white chanting, wearing turbans, and moving in auspicious ways, it is
Kali Bliss YOGAYoga: Which Style Best Meets Your Needs?
Do you practice yoga (or want to practice) and find yourself confused by the seemingly countless styles? If so keep reading to understand the most common styles of yoga and the philosophies of each.
Jaylene Geisler YOGASet your intentions with Kundalini Yoga
As we are flowing into the second month of 2019, we’re excited to be feeling into the energy of this new year. A new 12-month journey, and the energy is
Elevate the Globe HEALTH, LIFESTYLE, YOGAUpgrade Your Metabolism with Kundalini Yoga
The term âmetabolismâ is a high buzzword these days. Especially in the spaces concerned with health, wellness and vitality. Kundalini Yoga…
Guru Jagat YOGA